BBVA Banking App

UX/UI, Prototyping, Branding
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New Savings Features for BBVA Mobile App
↳ The Product
The primary goal was to redefine the traditional banking experience by seamlessly integrating user-friendly design and modern features. By introducing saving features such as Rounding Off, it allows users to effortlessly save spare change from everyday transactions. This feature promotes a proactive approach to saving, empowering users to build a financial cushion effortlessly.
↳ The Process
I ran through my entire Design Process on this project starting with reasearch, then testing, then final designs and back to testing.
↳ Project Goals
Create a functionally beautiful MVP allowing users to take control of their finances by showing their positions in a more intuitive way.
↳ My Role
Research, UX/UI Design, Interaction Design, Design System, Branding
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