About Me

Always learning
Based In Barcelona + 🌎
5 Years of Experience
Transforming your vision into remarkable designs

I am in love with the craft of design. From startups to creative agencies, I've worked on a variety of different projects. My focus is on experience design—merging aesthetics and functionality. But there's more to me than pixels and prototypes. I'm a storyteller at heart, working on my writing, and a bit of a psychology geek. Understanding what makes people tick helps me bring that extra touch to my designs.

When I'm not glued to my computer, I enjoy reading at a nearby cafe or in the park with friends in Barcelona. I can't wait to get a dog and name it Gazpacho. Let's dive into the world of design, stories, and the simple joys together. Can't wait to see where this journey takes us!
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↳ Our Value

Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future
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By embracing empathy in design, designers can create products, services, and experiences that are more inclusive, user-centered, and meaningful.
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Unique design value recognizes that a well-designed product or space not only serves its functional purpose but also evokes emotion and leaves a lasting impression on its users
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With rapidly evolving technologies and changing consumer preferences, companies that prioritize design will have a competitive edge in the market.
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↳ Our Team

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Ethan Davis
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Chandler Rigs
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James Bond
Head of Design
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Ava Wilson
Head of Marketing
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Christopher Smith
Creative Director
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Isabella Rodriguez
HR Manager
Wanna be a part of this chaotic family?
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↳ Award & Recognition

Best UX/UI Project
Size of the day x 5
New York Time
Sustainability Award
Best website of the month
Community Art
Best UX/UI Project
Inovative Branding